Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why choose Right C3??

Are you wondering why Right C3 is right for you?  We offer the most complete set of educational services to address all of your concerns with this critical stage of life. Parents and students will have vital information at their fingertips to make wise choices as they choose the right college based on a major that will lead to a career the student is designed for in a growth industry, all at an affordable cost.
There are many important and perplexing questions when it comes to planning for college.  You’re probably like every other concerned parent or student who’s wondered how to make the right decisions at the right time with the right knowledge. There are challenging decisions to be made that require thought and consideration.

  • Where do I want to go to college?
  • Where will I likely be accepted?
  • Will I have the grades and standardized test scores to get in?
  • Can I afford to go?
  • Do I know enough to choose a major?
  • What career am I best suited for?
  • Will I be able to find a job that I love after I graduate?
  • How can I minimize my college loan debt?
  • What makes C3 different from other education service providers?
At Right C3 we have used our expertise to build a proprietary software system designed to help you make the best possible choices—quality choices. For most of us, the decision to pick a college and a major comes about once in a lifetime…usually during our high school years when we are just discovering who we are, and our gifts and talents.  High school students are becoming emotionally and academically prepared for college and then deciding where to attend, what to major in, and how to pay for it all.  The impact of these choices will likely establish the course of their life including the kind of work they’ll perform, where they will live, and maybe even who they’ll marry.  How can you make the sure you are making the right college decisions?
This is why Right C3 comes into the picture!  Our mission is to create a bright future for the next generation by leading them into the right career, at the right college and at the right cost.
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction
-John F. Kennedy-
Our program brings out the best in students. Right C3 has years of extensive experience working with a broad and diverse group of thousands of students and has guided them in making their own personal right decisions. We are confident that we can help your family.

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